Artist Statement
The theme I focused on was loss. I wanted to capture that feeling of someone being there, but not at the same time. Like a ghost. Being trapped in your bubble from losing what’s close to you. That’s why I used tracing paper since that transparency would reinforce that concept of loss. Being able to see a figure but still can’t see from the blur. Making it into an envelop shape, I covered the whole body but let the arms exposed. I did this to show that the person is still there. The arms breaking the illusion. Lighting was the most important to think about while looking for a spot. I need an area that had enough sunlight but also was empty for that isolation. The sunlight would help show the silhouette underneath the paper. My friend and I went to our mall, where one side of the building is abandoned from the rest. I had her stand on the arrow and took my pictures far away. Having the first picture be taken far away sinks in the empty parking lot with the model. Getting closer helps to see what the figure looks like with the transparent paper. The final image has parallels between the arrow and the shadow. It creates a contrast between the two where in the middle, there’s the blurred figure.